@Sea Breeze: the evidence for the Jesus character as a real person is tenuous at best. It references real people in the scripture like Herod and Pontius Pilate (the latter who is villainized in the Western Christian tradition, but a saint in the Coptic traditions), but the timeline is off and different gospels have different storylines. Legally speaking, Jesus trial makes no sense and wouldn’t have happened given the situation at the time. It makes up things like the census that supposedly brought Jesus to Betlehem, it is anachronistic in many of its stories and borrows heavily from other prevalent Greek and Roman deities and religious scriptures.
You keep bringing up a single scholar in Bart Ehrman, even though there are literally hundreds of scholars that do not share his viewpoints. You are cherry picking your evidence at best.
I much more believe Jesus to be an amalgamation of characters and ideas, perhaps there was a rabble rouser named Yeshua back then but history seems to have largely forgotten him. Contemporary Roman writings have no evidence and even writers that came much later like Josephus don’t mention him as a real person (with the exception of a forgery) and many other Christian and Jewish writers of the time don’t mention him at all. Matter of fact, the majority of contemporary evidence, including gnostic Christian and Jewish writers would say that he wasn’t a person at all, the idea that he was a real human is both rather modern and very selective.